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We are now accepting intern applications for Summer 2025!

Students interested in applying should be motivated, detail oriented, display a strong work ethic, and interact well with constituents. In addition, applicants should have a strong interest in the legislative process and the function of Congress.

Strong ties to Arizona’s First Congressional District or the state of Arizona are preferred, but not required. Priority is given to current college students, but recent high school graduates with exceptional credentials may be considered.

The duties of those interning in our Scottsdale office may include:

  • Answering constituent phone calls and directing them appropriately

  • Assisting with constituent casework

  • Distributing mail and informational materials

  • Processing constituent mail

  • Assisting with projects assigned by staff

The duties of those interning in our Washington, D.C. office may include:

  • Assisting with the research and writing of constituent correspondence

  • Researching legislative issues for staff

  • Helping Communications/Press team with media planning

  • Entering mail and email correspondence, including processing flag requests, into our computer system, Intranet Quorum (IQ)

  • Answering constituent phone calls and directing them appropriately

  • Providing excellent customer service to constituents and guests visiting our office

  • Conducting Capitol tours for constituents

  • Attending policy briefings and congressional hearings

  • Compiling daily news clips regarding Congressman Schweikert and Congress

  • Assisting with projects as assigned by staff

All interested applicants should email a cover letter, short writing sample, resume, and 3 letters of recommendation to one of the following staffers:

College students interested in interning in our Scottsdale district office may submit their application documents, as listed above, to Ernestina Borquez-Smith at

Those interested in interning in our Washington, D.C. office may submit their application documents to Elle Krolicki, at

Our office will accept applications until all of the positions have been filled. Please adhere to the following deadlines:

Spring Internship:

December 1

Summer Internship:

April 30

Fall Internship:

August 19

Thank you for your interest in serving the constituents of Arizona’s First Congressional District!