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I came to Washington to fight for the values that make our country unique – for the economic freedom that gives life to the American Dream.

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National Debt:

Over the past 364 days, the total national debt has increased by $2.35 trillion. Debt held by the public has increased by $2.1 trillion over the same period (July 24 2023 – July 22 2024), while intragovernmental debt has grown by $255.9 billion.

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JULY 2, 2024 Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., said lawmakers “have to build the infrastructure” around the use of AI in…

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July 19, 2024

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While there was strong economic growth in the Q2 2024 advanced estimate — even outpacing quarterly increases to total public debt for the first time since Q1 2023 — total public debt has STILL outpaced the economy by $933 BILLION over the past four quarters.

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I join NRPA Armed Forces Recreation Network in honoring the outstanding local parks and recreation staff in Arizona’s First Congressional District. This month specifically celebrates local parks and recreation departments, which contribute so much to our community. As you may recall, I personally love hiking and spending time at parks with my family, and this pleasant experience of enjoying Arizona’s breathtaking beauty is because of local staff. Thank you to all parks and recreation professionals, and remember, this is #WhereYouBelong. ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

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I’m concerned as I am trying to vote in the Republican primary for the candidate that best represents my interests. Why is Rep. David Schweikert mute on any of his accomplishments or let his constituents know where he stands? Doing a Google search I discovered that Schweickert, Backie or George answered any questions on where they stand on any issues by the Arizona Republic. Really? We have an election in just a few months and I am not seeing him give me any reason why I should vote for him. Why isn’t he posting anything? I’m confused. Ideas anyone?

Watching your presentation in Congress on spending concerns was very enlightening. Mostly, it enlightened me about your character. While you flashed all your colorful graphs and pie charts, the ones - not even those in the room with you, I suspect - could actually see any of the numbers or what any of the colorful pieces actually meant, you actually rambled (quickly, of course) from subject to subject. Occasionally, you'd throw in a "frustrated" face and an epithet (you said "insane" often) to create the impression of actual concern. It's all flash and no substance. Because, you and your ilk believe (perhaps justifiably) that if you talk fast and *appear to be* supporting your remarks with *data,* most of your voters won't grasp what you're saying and certainly won't bother to fact-check anything you say. You never once mentioned the impact that the massive tax cuts for the wealthiest have had on all of us, nor the fact that, if your guy were elected, those cuts would continue and perhaps be made even lower!!! You *lied* and said that Biden claimed a "1%" tax increase would make SocSec solvent for the long term. You know, very well!!, that he was referring to increasing taxes *on the 1%* - and was clearly said in the context of making the wealthiest pay a higher share towards taxes! (He might not have said it well, but everyone with a brain *knew* that was what he meant!) Yet, you mentioned "immorality" several times. And you mentioned and implied that the Democrats are "so eager" to win this election. As far as I could tell from your presentation, Democrats better well win the election. Because if the country has to bear the likes of you and your "brothers" any longer - much less that would-be emperor - the whole country will be lost. Shame on you.

Regretfully, my brother Terrance Racino died within 24 hours in Maricopa County Park in Arizona where he enjoys walking in June 2020!! His sister-not his kin in NYS-finally has the extensive report in summer 2023!

What are you doing about our American problem? Mass shootings in the US, July 2024 July Totals in the US as of 7/25/ 2024 🇺🇸Total mass shootings this month: 49 🇺🇸Total people killed due to Mass shootings this month: 50 🇺🇸 Total people injured due to Mass shootings this month: 239 🇺🇸 Total children (age 20 and under) injured or killed due to Mass shootings this month: 72 🇺🇸 Highest # of Mass shootings in a day: 4th (8) 🇺🇸 Dates without a mass shooting: 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 24th, Recap for comparison: June Totals in the US as of 7/1/2024 🇺🇸Total mass shootings this month: 70 🇺🇸Total people killed this month: 52 🇺🇸 Total people injured this month: 303 🇺🇸 Total children (age 20 and under) injured or killed this month: 127 🇺🇸 Highest # of Mass shootings in a day: 6/23/2024 total of 8 🇺🇸 Dates without a mass shooting: 4th, 5th, 10th, 12th, 20th (5 days out of 30)

W‌‌e‌ n‌‌o‌t‌‌i‌‌c‌‌e‌‌d‌‌ t‌‌h‌‌a‌‌t‌‌ y‌o‌u‌r‌‌ p‌‌a‌g‌‌e‌‌ h‌a‌‌s‌ u‌‌s‌‌e‌‌d‌‌ s‌‌o‌‌m‌e‌o‌n‌‌e‌‌ e‌‌l‌s‌‌e‌'‌‌s‌‌ i‌m‌a‌‌g‌e‌‌s‌‌ w‌i‌t‌‌h‌o‌‌u‌‌t‌‌ p‌e‌‌r‌m‌‌i‌‌s‌‌s‌‌i‌‌o‌‌n‌‌.‌‌ T‌h‌‌e‌‌y‌‌ r‌‌e‌‌p‌‌o‌‌r‌‌t‌‌e‌‌d‌‌ t‌‌h‌i‌s‌‌ t‌o‌‌ u‌‌s‌.‌‌ P‌‌l‌e‌‌a‌‌s‌e‌‌ c‌o‌‌n‌t‌‌a‌‌c‌t‌ u‌‌s‌ t‌o‌ r‌e‌s‌o‌‌l‌‌v‌‌e‌‌.‌‌ u58s4r72i2gy199740zb2063469r8k

BIDEN LYIN AT THE NATO SUMMIT Biden claimed the country was a wreck when he took office. The opposite is true. The border was secured. Biden destroyed border security within a month. Biden’s Open Borders policy has resulted in over 6 million illegals flooding our country, with many murders and other crimes being committed against American citizens. We are spending billions to house them, give medical care, feed them, everything. Biden’s Open Borders policy has allowed fentanyl to flood into the country killing thousands of Americans each year. Inflation was minimal. Biden’s policies has resulted in high inflation for 3 years. Due to Bidenflation, Gas, electricity, heating oil and grocery prices are still sky high. On 8 May, 2024, Biden claimed inflation was 9% when he came into office. It was 1.4%. The economy was recovering nicely from covid. Then Biden passed bills totaling over $3 TRILLION in deficit spending that wasn’t paid for. As of 2 July 2024, democrats have added over $7.1 TRILLION to the national debt - AND THEY DON’T CARE. Democrats just keep spending away. Biden’s proposal for FY 2025 includes historic tax hikes, spending increases, and runs an average deficit of nearly $2 trillion each year for the next ten years. Over a decade, Biden’s budget spends $86.6 trillion, raises nearly $5 trillion in new taxes, and spends $12.6 trillion paying interest on the national debt—which is $2 trillion more than would be spent on national defense. Biden threw out hiring people by merit and now democrats hire people by quota. Doesn’t matter if you are qualified as long as you the correct race / gender / ethnicity. Biden’s new Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Q. Brown, wants to fire 5,400 white officers in the military - because they are white. Botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Got 13 Americans killed and then killed 10 innocent Afghans in retaliation. The Department of Defense estimates $7.12 billion worth of military equipment was left in Afghanistan. Biden gave over $8 billion in aid to the Taliban AFTER they conquered Afghanistan. More than 60,000 Afghan interpreters and others who worked alongside American forces were left behind. I could go on and on and on. Biden and the democrats are DEATH to America.

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