BY: ELISE VIEBECKin the Hill Buried on Rep. David Schweikert’s (R-Ariz.) website is a download button for the PowerPoint deck…
In The News
BY: ETHAN KLAPPERin National Journal Daily Following Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., on Twitter, you’ll see typical Capitol Hill fare: tweets…
BY: GUILLAUME DESJARDINSon The U.S. Congress will not wait for the country’s debt crisis to reach the levels of…
BY: DEBORAH GAGEin the Wall Street Journal Congress will soon consider whether to revise a 77-year-old rule that is encouraging…
BY: DAN PRIMACKin CNN Money Earlier today, Fortune reported that Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) will introduce legislation that would give…
BY: PHILIP RUCKERin the WASHINGTON POST On his 104th day in office, Rep. David Schweikert stepped before about 60 of…
What we’re reading: Articles from current news and trending topics.
The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for fiscal 2008….
Pilot Missing in Action From The Vietnam War is Identified The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today…