Arizona Congressman David Schweikert is introducing legislation on Friday that would loosen regulations on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Nonprofit…
It is important that the United States’ strong global leadership, democratic values, and human rights is maintained and projected. Whether it is standing with our European and NATO allies together to face the various global challenges we encounter, or expanding economic opportunity in the Western Hemisphere, African or Indo-Pacific regions, the United States is and continues to be a solid and reliable partner for our friends and allies around the world.
Israel is one of the United States’ strongest allies – and continued American support for Israel is paramount. The U.S. – Israeli partnership endures not only because of our shared values of democracy and human rights – the only country in Middle East that shares those values – but our strong economic and defense ties as well. I continue to be a strong advocate for Israel.
Russia continues to be a bad actor on the global stage, and their unprovoked war against Ukraine is horrendous and inexcusable. I stand with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in their fight to defend their freedom. In addition to Russia’s attacks against Ukraine, under President Putin’s leadership, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine – and invaded eastern Ukraine in 2014, went to war with Georgia in 2008 and has supported Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad in that country’s civil war. Congress rightly continues to impose strict sanctions on the Russian government and individual actors who abuse democratic values.
The people of Iran continue to suffer under the theological authoritarian regime that rules that country. Iran cannot be allowed weapons of mass destruction, with its continued commitment to the destruction of Israel, long commonplace chants of “death to America”, and the funding of proxy-militias that sow chaos and bloodshed throughout the region and beyond. It is imperative the United States continue to support strict sanctions on the Iranian regime and not return to the flawed “nuclear deal” agreement as long as the regime continues to be bad actors, while supporting the Iranian peoples’ desire to live in a free and transparent democracy.
China has taken advantage of the international system for far too long, including blocking any international investigations about the origins of COVID-19. There was hope, after China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the early 2000s that gradually China would introduce market reforms to its economy, and there would be a ripple effect on the opening of the social and government spheres. Instead, we’ve seen the communist regime crack down even harder on human rights, steal intellectual property from American companies, and force its regional vision against local opposition for Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea. China is and will be a major strategic competitor to the United States in the coming decades, and it is imperative the United States and its allies continue to confront this challenge head on.
H.R.5932, the Fortify Israel Act
Legislation authorizing the $6 billion in funds that were recently unfrozen for Iran to be repurposed to Israel to help bolster the country’s defenses in the wake of the barbaric and unprovoked attacks organized by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists. The funds would be made available through a non-interest-bearing account to procure weapons, equipment, and services for Israel.
The bill stipulates that in addition to the $6 billion released to Iran, any current or future Iranian assets seized by the U.S. Treasury Department will be permitted for Israel to use as it fights to defend itself against terrorism.
This legislation also prohibits any blocked assets from being released to Iran until all hostilities between Hamas and other Iranian-backed groups and Israel have ceased. Additionally, Israel must be fully compensated for harms resulting from Hamas’ invasion before any Iranian assets are unfrozen, and Congress must be notified at least 30 days in advance of such release of Iranian assets.
H.R.5568 , the Combatting Terrorism in Tunisia Emergency Support Act of 2016
This bill declares that it is the policy of the United States to assist the government of Tunisia in eliminating terrorist organizations that operate in Tunisia and neighboring Libya and preventing fighters in Syria from returning to Tunisia.
This bill expresses the sense of the Congress that:
- significant reform that protects fundamental human rights is necessary to enable the Tunisian security services to combat terrorism and reinforce the rule of law;
- expeditious consideration of sales, leases, grants, or transfers of defense articles, services, and equipment is consistent with U.S. policy to assist in eliminating terrorist organizations that threaten Tunisia’s national security;
- Tunisia’s peaceful pursuit of democracy should be fully supported by the United States;
- organizations such as Ansar al-Sharia and the Islamic State have created terrorist sanctuaries in Libya and represent a significant threat to Tunisia’s democratic government; and
- supporting Tunisia’s orderly reform of its economic and social sectors should be a U.S. priority.
The bill authorizes the Department of State to:
- provide assistance to strengthen and reform Tunisia’s security sector;
- support Tunisia’s efforts to combat terrorism;
- provide assistance to support Tunisia’s democracy and civil society;
- provide assistance to support Tunisia’s border security by enhancing its capabilities to interdict illicit weapons trafficking;
- reprogram certain funds to support Tunisia’s economic reforms; and
- enter into a memorandum of understanding with Tunisia to increase military cooperation, including joint military exercises, personnel exchanges, and enhanced strategic dialogue.
The President is authorized to provide defense articles, services, and training to Tunisia to counter terrorist threats.
The State Department shall submit a strategic plan within 90 days to carry out this bill.
H.R.3728 , To amend the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 to modify the requirement to impose sanctions with respect to the provision of specialized financial messaging services to the Central Bank of Iran and other sanctioned Iranian financial institutions, and for other purposes.
This bill changes the current discretionary authority to a requirement that the President impose sanctions under the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 with respect to the provision of specialized financial messaging services to the Central Bank of Iran and other sanctioned Iranian financial institutions. This requirement may not be waived.
Sanctions are expanded to include, in the case of an alien who is a senior executive or member of the board of directors of a person that provides such messaging services, visa denial and exclusion from the United States, and revocation of any visa or other documentation.
H.Res.277, Honoring the Tunisian People for their democratic transition.
Commends the people of Tunisia for their commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and free and fair elections.
Commends the government of Tunisia for holding successful legislative elections and the peaceful and fair completion of the presidential election.
Recognizes Tunisia’s legislative and presidential elections as an example of a peaceful, democratic transition of power for other nations throughout the region to follow.
Encourages all political parties in Tunisia to work together to realize the standards of transparency, inclusiveness, and equality established in the Tunisian Constitution.
Affirms the U.S. commitment to strengthening our bilateral relationship with Tunisia.
Calls on the President to advance the U.S.-Tunisia relationship by engaging in a Strategic Partnership.
H.Res.196, Condemning the recent terrorist attacks in Tunis that resulted in the tragic loss of 21 innocent lives.
Condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Tunis, Tunisia, that resulted in the loss of 21 innocent lives, and extends sympathies to all those affected by this tragedy.
Expresses solidarity with the people of Tunisia and pays tribute to our shared values and liberties.
Encourages Tunisians to stand together in opposition to extremism and violence.
Supports the government of Tunisia’s efforts to ensure that those individuals who committed or supported these attacks are brought to justice.
Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to work with Tunisia to fight against violent extremists.
Affirms the U.S. commitment to strengthening our bilateral relationship and engaging in a strategic partnership with Tunisia.
H.R.2544, the Conditioning Economic Assistance and Support to Egypt Act
Conditioning Economic Assistance and Support to Egypt Act or CEASE Act – Prohibits specified U.S. economic assistance and opposes World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance to the government of Egypt unless the President certifies to Congress that the government of Egypt: (1) has implemented legal reforms to protect political, economic, and religious freedoms and human rights; (2) is demonstrating a commitment to free and fair elections; (3) is implementing all measures in the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty; (4) is taking action to eliminate smuggling networks, destroy tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, and combat terrorism in the Sinai; (5) in consultation with the Department of Defense (DOD), has produced an analysis of Egypt’s current security needs; and (6) has lifted restrictions in law and practice on the work and funding of Egyptian and international nongovernmental human rights and democracy organizations.
H.Res.718, Calling on the Department of Defense to expedite the delivery of all necessary military equipment, weapons, ammunition, and other needed materials to the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to successfully combat and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).
Calls on the Department of Defense (DOD) to expedite the direct delivery of all necessary military equipment, weapons, ammunition, and other needed materials to the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to successfully combat and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).
H.R.4340, To restrict assistance to Egypt unless the Government of Egypt holds free and fair elections.
Prohibits Economic Support Fund and foreign military financing assistance from being provided to Egypt unless the President certifies to Congress that Egypt has held free and fair elections.