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February 11, 2025

Hearing on Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives- Health Chairman Buchanan Opening Statement

As prepared for delivery.

“Thank you to the witnesses for being here today to discuss a crucial issue before us, Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives.

“Chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease are skyrocketing. Six in ten Americans have at least one chronic disease. 

“According to the Partnership To Fight Chronic Disease, the projected total cost of chronic disease from 2016-2030 in Florida is $3 trillion dollars.

“These statistics are baffling and troubling, and I am committed to helping lower these deadly rates. 

“This nation’s chronic disease epidemic is out of control. I for one am excited that Mr. Kennedy has put this issue at the forefront of this administration, and I look forward to seeing him confirmed. 

“We have another growing crisis on our hands: the skyrocketing diabetes and obesity epidemic. Over 45 percent of our nation’s adults are obese and over 20 percent of our nation’s children are obese. 

“The Joint Economic Committee, led by Congressman Schweikert, is taking the obesity epidemic seriously. 

“In a recent report, the committee found that Obesity will result in up to $9.1 trillion in excess medical expenditures and cause the Federal government to spend $4.1 trillion over the next 10 years. 

“To bring awareness to these issues, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and I launched the Congressional Preventive Health and Wellness Caucus.

“Our bipartisan group focuses on prevention, Food as Medicine, exercise, stigma, obesity’s effect on military readiness and physical fitness. 

“I’d like to thank Congresswoman Moore for joining me in this critical initiative, and I urge my fellow members of this subcommittee to join the caucus. 

“Congressman Smucker also recently launched the MAHA Caucus to focus on supporting Americans in living long and healthy lives through access to affordable, high-quality foods while improving access to care.

“These are just some of the many examples of great work that members of this Committee are working on to combat these issues, and I applaud their efforts.

“We are about to hear from a great group of folks who are on the front lines of tackling these chronic conditions and ensuring prevention and early detection is a main priority in the medical field. 

“I look forward to working with all of my colleagues this Congress to tackle this epidemic.”

Click here to read the full opening statement.

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