YUMA, ARIZONA – Today, Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-06) released the following statement after visiting the Southern border in Yuma, Arizona.
“It continues to be a shocking experience to walk along our Southern border here in Arizona and see the dire situation first-hand” said Rep. Schweikert. “When I spoke with law enforcement officials about the surge in illegal encounters and the rise in fentanyl crossing into Arizona, they laid out a clear picture of the ongoing crisis. Visiting the border also showcased why Title 42 is so important, and why rescinding it will cause utter chaos and completely overwhelm our law enforcement officers. I am taking the information I learned today and bringing it back to Washington, D.C. to share with my colleagues. We need to take action and keep our country safe, and I am calling on President Biden to fulfill his obligation and secure our Southern border immediately.”
In March, border encounters rose 33% over February, which puts illegal encounters at over one million for FY2022. Yuma, Arizona has been a key point of these encounters, and in December of 2021 the City declared a state of emergency due to the crisis at the border.