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December 08, 2020

Congressman Schweikert’s Legislation Included in National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman David Schweikert announced the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act conference report includes his legislation, H.R. 7139, the Ensuring American Leadership over International Standards Act, as well as three amendments he introduced to promote innovation and military readiness. 

The Ensuring American Leadership over International Standards Act, would require the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to commission a study on China’s influence in setting global standards for emerging technologies.

“I am pleased to see each of these pieces of legislation included in the final text of the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). These sections will promote innovation and national security while ensuring the United States will remain a leader on the global stage.”


The Ensuring American Leadership over International Standards Act, which was introduced by Rep. Schweikert and Rep. Ami Bera, was also included on the House GOP’s China Task Force Report list of recommendations for Congress to consider. This bill also has a recently introduced Senate companion bill, S. 4901, led by Sens. Cortez-Masto and Portman.

Additional amendments included:

  • Study and report on increasing telehealth services across Armed Force;
  • Fully funds the Navy’s Direct Air Capture and Blue Carbon Removal Technology Program; and
  • Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress regarding recommendations on cyber hygiene practices for the DOD.



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