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May 11, 2020

Schweikert, Kirkpatrick Lead Delegation Letter Urging LIHEAP Funding in COVID-19 Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-06) and Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-02) sent a letter to House and Senate Leadership requesting that Arizona receive its fair share of any future funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in COVID-19 legislation.


LIHEAP is America’s primary heating and cooling assistance program. The program affords eligible households, especially those sheltering elderly, disabled, or preschoolers, an opportunity to secure life-saving help. However, due to language overriding LIHEAP’s statutorily specified allocation process, residents in our state and others around the country are deprived of their fair share of these critical resources.


“I am pleased to see Members of the Arizona delegation continue to work together and advocate for LIHEAP, a critical program for Arizona residents throughout our seasons of high heat,” said Rep. Schweikert. “We are already aware how disproportionately affected Arizonans are with the share of funding provided for LIHEAP. As the COVID-19 crisis continues we must be sure to allocate appropriate funding for this program’s success.”


“The spread of COVID-19 has not only demanded more time at home, it has also resulted in additional financial insecurity for so many families. As this virus continues to alter normalcy and Arizona enters its hottest season, we must ensure LIHEAP has the funding it needs to continue to provide service for our most vulnerable communities,” said Rep. Kirkpatrick. “Distribution of LIHEAP funding must be reexamined and fairly allocated, for Arizona households, cooling needs have been as extreme as life or death. Our high risk and vulnerable citizens should not have to make a choice between paying their utility bill and feeding their family.”


Senators Martha McSally (R-AZ) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Reps. Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01), Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03), Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Ruben Gallego (AZ-07), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), and Greg Stanton (AZ-09) signed this letter in support.


Full text of the signed letter can be found HERE.

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