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August 18, 2017

Rep Schweikert and W&M Members Deliver Tax Reform Speeches at the Reagan Ranch

WASHINGTON, D.C. – 31 years after Congress reached agreement on the largest tax code overhaul in America’s history, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL), and Ways and Means Members David Schweikert (R-AZ) and Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) addressed the American people from President Ronald Reagan’s ranch about the importance of delivering pro-growth tax reform in 2017.

CLICK HERE or the image above to watch their full remarks.

As the Members said, tax reform is about creating jobs, growing paychecks, and simplifying the tax code in order to improve the lives of all Americans.

Chairman Brady“For the first time in over three decades we have a President, a House, and a Senate who are all committed to overhauling this broken tax code and unleashing the growth of jobs and paychecks nationwide. … With your help, America, we can close the special-interest loopholes. We can lower tax rates for American families and job creators. We can vault America from nearly dead last among our global competitors back into the lead pack with one of the most pro-growth, pro-jobs tax codes on the planet. … This is our challenge. Together – working with President Trump, with leaders in the House and Senate, and with you, the American people – we will rise to this challenge just as our nation has risen to and prevailed over so many great challenges.” 

Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Roskam: “Could you imagine the national disposition in the next months if we are able to cut this Gordian knot and get to fundamental tax reform that creates real growth, real opportunity, that translates into real jobs, more money in their paychecks for middle-class Americans … Ronald Reagan had faith in generations that followed him. And we are that generation … I have a great deal of confidence in our capacity – joined by our friends all across the spectrum who are engaging substantively on this process – that we can get tax reform done and have real growth.” 

Rep. Schweikert“When you hear us talk about simplicity, fairness, growth – don’t underestimate that word ‘simplicity’ … That simplicity is going to be a really powerful gift to the American people if we do our jobs.”

Rep. CurbeloIt’s easy for discussions about tax reform to become technical in nature … But at the end of the day, this is about every American family and about every American. It’s about prosperity, opportunity … It’s our turn to renew the confidence of the American worker. To show American families that they can succeed here. That this is the greatest place in the world to get a job, to start a company, to invent a new product. That is what tax reform is all about.”

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