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December 03, 2015

Flight Path Disruption Survey Announced


Scottsdale, AZ, December 3 – Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) has created a portal on his website for constituents to submit their complaints to the FAA regarding recent flight path changes.


For over a year, Arizona communities have been harmed by acute noise from planes following new flight paths that the FAA implemented without consultation from the neighborhoods impacted. Our quality of life has declined drastically, making it unbearable to enjoy our desert landscapes without the buzzing of passenger jets.


The FAA has repeatedly failed to act as a willing partner in resolving this crisis. As such, I am asking you to tell your story on how these flight paths have impacted your life. I will be submitting each story directly to FAA headquarters directly on your behalf.


The FAA must engage our communities and must resolve the crisis they have created. Please take a moment to fill out our survey, click the link below and it will direct you to the portal.



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