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Scottsdale, Ariz., June 2, 2014– Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommitee on the Environment, released a statement today in response to the Environemtnal Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement of the Clean Power Plan Proposal.
"The Clean Power Plan proposal is rumored to be over one thousand pages and unfortuantely, until today, we’ve heard nothing of what those pages say," said Chairman Schweikert. "The announcement and timing of this proposal is driven by politics and is an example of incredible federal overreach."
"This Administration has been consistently steeped in political rhetoric and today’s announcement is no different. Our energy industry deserves measurements and goals that promote the reduction of emissions without crippling an entire industry’s growth and sending jobs outside of the United States."
The plan proposes new regulatations of CO2 emissions from existing power plants. Intiatives within the rule claim a 30 percent cut of carbon emissions from the power sector by 2030. Facts and details about the plan can be found here.
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