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April 12, 2014

Valley Fever Open House Raises Awareness

Scottsdale, Ariz., April 12, 2014—Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), co-chairman of the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force, released a statement following Saturday morning’s Valley Fever Open House:

 “Every time I talk about Valley Fever, I go back to the numbers. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 70% of the reported cases every year occur right in our backyard,” said Schweikert. “This statistic reminds me of the duty we have to bring attention to a disease that is so prevalent in our community.”

“More than 150,000 cases of Valley Fever go unreported or misdiagnosed each year. I hope this open house gave people an understanding of what to look for, how the disease is being treated, and what research is on the horizon.”

The Valley Fever Open House was hosted from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Congressman’s district office in Scottsdale.

Speakers included: Dr. John N Galgiani, Director of the Valley Fever Center in Phoenix, Mr. Todd Snowden, Business Development Director of DxNA LLC, and Dr. Janis E. Blair, Division of Infectious Diseases at Mayo Clinic. 

Other representatives included: Dr. Peter Kelly, Infectious Disease Specialist, Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness at the Arizona Department of Health Services, Dr. Bruce H. Shelton M.D. (H), Valley Integrative Physicians, and Ms. Krupa Navalkar, PhD Candidate, Biodesign Institute Innovations in Medicine (ASU).


Congressman David Schweikert and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, (R-CA) introduced the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force in July, 2013. The task force seeks to raise awareness and initiate dialogue with the medical community, with a goal of taking legislative action to help address Valley Fever issues.


Constituents signing in. The Congressman reads the ASU BioDesign Handout on Valley Feer Diagnostics. From Left to Right: Dr. Peter Kelly, Mr. Todd Snowden, Ms. Krupa Navalkar, Mr. Mohammed Khan, Congressman David Schweikert, Ms. Clarisse Tsang, Dr. John N. Galgiani, Ms. Lisa Platt, Dr. Bruce H. Shelton, Dr. Janis Blair.
Constituents signing in. The Congressman reads the ASU BioDesign Handout on Valley Feer Diagnostics. From Left to Right: Dr. Peter Kelly, Mr. Todd Snowden, Ms. Krupa Navalkar, Mr. Mohammed Khan, Congressman David Schweikert, Ms. Clarisse Tsang, Dr. John N. Galgiani, Ms. Lisa Platt, Dr. Bruce H. Shelton, Dr. Janis Blair.
Constituents signing in. The Congressman reads the ASU BioDesign Handout on Valley Fever Diagnostics. From Left to Right: Dr. Peter Kelly, Mr. Todd Snowden, Ms. Krupa Navalkar, Mr. Mohammed Khan, Congressman David Schweikert, Ms. Clarisse Tsang, Dr. John N. Galgiani, Ms. Lisa Platt, Dr. Bruce H. Shelton, Dr. Janis Blair.


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