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April 09, 2014

Rep. Schweikert: Small Business Taxes Are Stifling Growth

Washington D.C., April 9, 2014—Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) released a statement following the House Committee on Small Business hearing regarding tax challenges for small businesses.

“Today’s hearing was a testament to the disincentives our tax system gives to our small businesses,” said Schweikert. “Complying with federal and state tax code is a costly process that is overwhelming our businesses and stifling their expansion.”

“According to the 2014 National Small Business Association tax survey, 40 percent of small businesses reported spending over 80 hours dealing with federal taxes. For every job left uncreated, there are numerous tax forms being filled out instead.”

“I hope this conversation can be a part of a larger wave of support for tax reform. Washington is stifling business.”

The House Committee on Small Business held a hearing Wednesday on “The Biggest Tax Problems for Small Businesses.” Witnesses included: David Kautter, Managing Director of the Kogod Tax Center, Time Reynolds, President of Tribute Inc., Rick Endres, President of The Washington Network, and Donald Marron, Institute Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Initiatives. Details regarding Wednesday’s hearing can be found here.


Congressman David Schweikert is a life-long advocate for small business growth and access to capital. He recently pledged support to Rep. Dave Camp’s ‘Tax Reform Act of 2014’ and considers tax reform to be a pillar issue.

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