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December 04, 2013

CPA Testifies on Implementation of President’s Health Care Plan: “What do I have to do to avoid this?”

WASHINGTON D.C. – December 4, 2013 – Responding to questioning from Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), a member of the House Committee on Small Business, regarding compliance with the President’s health care plan, CPA Donna Baker revealed that her clients "first reaction" is asking "What do I have to do to avoid this?"

"Let’s deal with the reality of businesses trying to survive," Schweikert said at a Committee hearing held today examining the impact of the President’s health care law on small businesses.  "As our regulatory command-and-control society grows out of Washington, we’re going to turn a lot of friends out there – businesses – into trying to find a way to game the law – in many ways just to survive."

Schweikert concluded, "The arrogance that we, as policymakers, keep dumping onto our country and onto our job creators…this isn’t a partisan issue.  This should be about people we represent and not the vanity here of trying to justify things that we’ve done that don’t work."


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