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November 04, 2013

Rep. Schweikert to Attend Valley Fever Awareness Week 2013

 Scottsdale, Ariz., November 1, 2013— The 11th Annual Valley Fever Awareness Week is November 9th through 17th.  Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ06), co-chairman of the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force, will be attending two public events to promote community awareness of the disease and its impacts.

“I am honored to lend my voice to help bring attention to Valley Fever and its effects, and to the important work the University of Arizona and members of the Arizona medical community are doing to find ways to prevent and cure Valley Fever,” Schweikert said.

The first public event will be held Monday, November 11 at 6 p.m. at 1741 West Rose Garden Lane, Suites 6-9, Phoenix, AZ 85027. The event hosted by The 3000 Club, will feature Dr. John Galgiani, Director of the University of Arizona’s Valley Fever Center of Excellence (VFCE).   Seating is limited.  Those wishing to attend the event should RSVP to Ethel Luzario at

A second public event hosted by the VFCE will be held Sunday, November 17 from 1-4 p.m. in Tucson at BIO5 Institute, Room 103, 1657 E. Helen Street Tucson, AZ 85721.  Speakers include Dr. Galgiani and an expert panel of doctors and professors from the VFCE.

Valley Fever is caused by inhaling spores from a fungus found primarily in the southwestern United States. There currently is no vaccine.  Prevention and treatment options are limited.

According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 70% of the reported cases every year occur in Arizona. An estimated 150,000 cases every year go unreported or misdiagnosed.

Schweikert and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, (R-California) introduced the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force in July. The task force seeks to raise awareness and initiate dialogue with the medical community, with a goal of taking legislative action to help address Valley Fever issues.

For more information about Valley Fever Week and a complete schedule of events, please visit

 For more information about Valley Fever, visit the Center for Disease Control at

For more information about The 3000 Club, please visit


Contact Maggie Zehring:
(202) 680- 9613

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