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January 24, 2012

1000 Days Later

Washington, D.C. – Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) made the following statement today on day 1,000 since the Senate has passed a budget:

“It has been 1000 days since Harry Reid’s Senate has passed a budget. This translates to the Senate neglecting its legal duty to the American people for almost three years.

“How this Senate and Administration can continue to talk about jobs and reigning in government spending with a straight face is beyond me.

“The House has passed a budget, not to mention nearly 30 jobs bills, only to see them die in the black hole of Harry Reid’s Senate.

“During tough financial times, American families and small businesses tighten their belts, live within their means, and create a budget. Why can’t Washington do the same?

“I implore my Senate colleagues and the President to join the House in demonstrating that we are serious about creating jobs and curing the spending binge in Washington.”


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