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October 26, 2018

Blockchain Caucus Leaders Commend NIST Standard For Blockchain Technology

Chairs of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, Reps. Schweikert, Emmer, and Foster, Commend NIST’s Standard for Blockchain Technology

Washington, D.C. – Today, leaders of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus issued the following statements in response to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) finalizing their internal report on an Overview of Blockchain Technology.

“I commend NIST on all of their hard work in finalizing their Blockchain Overview, said Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-06). I am happy to state we are using the NIST standard for the definition of blockchain in all three of our recently introduced blockchain related legislation. I look forward to continuing to work with NIST and my other colleagues on the Congressional Blockchain Caucus to further our understanding of blockchain technology to ensure that potential public policy does not hinder its development.”

“I am pleased NIST began to tackle a clear definition of blockchain more than ten months ago. This final report presents welcome clarity and I appreciate the federal government taking a close look at understanding and supporting these innovative technologies. I am pleased to work with my colleagues and the Congressional Blockchain Caucus as we continue to ensure government avoids unnecessary roadblocks to development of these transformative technologies here in the United States,” said Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06).

“The work NIST is doing to establish standards will be crucial to maximizing interoperability and security while allowing blockchain technology to flourish. Opportunities for innovation are enhanced when everyone speaks the same technical language.” said Congressman Bill Foster (IL-11).



This NIST Report on blockchain aims at helping further the public’s understanding of this exciting technology at a pivotal time where further research and development is imperative. NIST has long been a leader in providing technical guidance in the field of emerging technology.  The Congressional Blockchain Caucus had worked with NIST to use the same definition of blockchain that they have written in their report in recently introduced legislation. 



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