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March 06, 2014

Rep. Schweikert Co-Sponsors Amendment To Curb EPA Overreach On Power Plant Emissions Standards

Rep. Schweikert Co-Sponsors Amendment To Curb EPA Overreach
On Power Plant Emissions Standards

Washington D.C., March 6, 2014 — Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on the Environment co-sponsored with Chairman Lamar Smith(R-TX) an Amendment to the Electricity Security and Affordability Act (H.R. 3826).

The Smith/Schweikert Amendment expands the legislation to cover all types of fossil-fuel power plants, protecting them from overreaching by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when imposing emissions standards.

“The EPA is continually burdening energy businesses with an onslaught of mandates based in theory and rhetoric—not science. This amendment is a continuation of the efforts we’ve put forth in the House to create transparency in the EPA and push for fair efforts to measure emissions from our energy producers,” said Chairman Schweikert.

“I hope this measure can move forward so we can safeguard the job security and budgets of families, who would pay higher electricity rates and lose jobs due to these overreaching standards.”

H.R. 3826 would prohibit the EPA from mandating the use of technology that isn’t commercially available when imposing rules on new fossil fuel power plants to reduce greenhouse emissions.


Congressman David Schweikert Chairs the House Space, Science, and Technology Subcommittee on Environment, and is the author of the Secret Science Reform Act and a strong advocate for transparent data, evidence, and scientific research. Full text of the legislation can be found here.



Maggie Zehring
(480) 946-2411

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