WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:02.080 --> 00:00:07.520 there's a piece of legislation i'm actually very proud of and this one i 00:00:05.279 --> 00:00:12.160 care a lot about because we started this journey almost a decade ago we call it 00:00:09.920 --> 00:00:17.680 the forward act it was for those of us in the desert southwest and west 00:00:15.120 --> 00:00:20.240 in regards to a fungi we call valley fever 00:00:18.800 --> 00:00:25.439 as many of you have been following in the press it looks like we have a 00:00:22.560 --> 00:00:29.840 vaccine for valley fever for our canines coming maybe even this summer 00:00:27.680 --> 00:00:34.800 and human trials are expected to begin maybe late this year 00:00:32.239 --> 00:00:38.320 the piece of legislation is to raise its priority 00:00:35.920 --> 00:00:43.280 so as we get positive data it can actually move to quicker approval 00:00:41.120 --> 00:00:46.320 with fda for all of us to have availability 00:00:44.640 --> 00:00:51.000 so keep an eye on what we call the forward act for valley fever