WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.680 --> 00:00:06.400 i wanted to share with you some of the other pieces of legislation we're 00:00:04.400 --> 00:00:11.200 working on and i'm sorry for this title but it's medicare multi-cancer early 00:00:09.200 --> 00:00:15.920 detection screening act and the concept behind that is there's a 00:00:13.759 --> 00:00:21.119 revolution happening out there right now in the ability to do something as simple 00:00:18.400 --> 00:00:24.720 as a blood test a blood test possibly even through the male that can actually 00:00:23.680 --> 00:00:29.279 find up to 50 different types of cancers 00:00:27.119 --> 00:00:33.040 there's even one coming on colorectal on pancreatic cancer 00:00:30.960 --> 00:00:36.880 and our goal is to sort of future proof 00:00:34.480 --> 00:00:42.440 some of our policy with what we call cms and medicare to make this available to 00:00:39.280 --> 00:00:42.440 all americans